Author ID:ECOlab-11457

International e-Conference on Changes State, Economy, Public Health and Society
January 16-17, 2022
Organized by: Center for Academic & Professional Career Development and Research (CAPCDR)

Dr Romina Radonshiqi
Aleksander Moisiu University Tirana
Romina Radonshiqi born in Durres, Albania on 11.04.1987. She is Doctor of science in economy in field of General Management. She graduated bachelor degree in Administrative Science and Master of Science (MSc) in Financial Administration. She worked as Project Manager and Financier. She is working as lecturer in University till 2012. She is a participant in international scientific conferences and author of many scientific articles in international scientific journals in Europe, USA, Asia, Balkans. and she is a member of the Editorial Board of international scientific journals in America and Asia. She is the author of four books published in Germany. Romina is one of the 121 Albanian women selected by Albanian Excellence in the exhibition “121 photos in 121 success story”. She is part of civil society and has been invited to many activities on issues affecting young people.
Presentation Title: The Effects of Pandemic on Labour Market in Albania
Full Paper
Journal Article
Contribution to CAPCDR
International e-Conference on Microeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic, October 2-3, 2021