Dr Dinesh Chand
Dr Dinesh Chand
Alumni, Right livelihood Colleges (RLC)
Center for Livelihood and Social Innovation (CLSI)
School of Social Work
Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
Mumbai, India
He is working migration as livelihood opportunities. He is further interested to reach about migrational challenges, discrimination, experiences and development.
He has been engaged in multiple projects for the development of most marginalised communities in India. He was worked for more than three years (2011-2015) in Urban Development in Mumbai through the Transforming M-Ward Project, He was also associated for two years (2016-2017) in PAN India Programe Prime Ministers Rural Development Fellows Schemes(PMRDFs) through assisting in M.A./M.Sc. in Development Practice (MDP) to PMRD Fellows. He has also worked on Education Project in Mumbai Associating with Univesity of Bath, UK, TISS, India and Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
His major area of interest is Livelihood, Migration and Development to work for the most marginalised communities. His major academic works like migration as a livelihood strategy and for Development of marginalised and mainstream communities in India. His PhD work is about Livelihood, Gender and Migration one of the most marginalised communities called, ‘Musahar’ in India.
He was also awarded Right Livelihood Junior Scientist, in 2018 to attend a workshop “Policy, law and practice: Ensuring full rights for the most marginalized citizens” at Bonn University, Germany,
Research Interest
Livelihood, Migration and Development