Anak Agung Gde Satia Utama

Anak Agung Gde Satia Utama
Assistant Professor
Universitas Airlangga
Agung is Assistant Professor at Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, since 2005. Currently, as PhD Student in Accounting. The research focus is accounting information systems, qualitative methods, sustainability, and Big Data. Expert in qualitative analysis data processing NVIVO Software. Active as a speaker and moderator at national and international seminars. More than 60 publications in international and national journals, as well as 7 book chapters. Associate Editor in several National Accreditation Journal, International Scopus indexed and national journal reviewers, and regular reviewers at various Top international conferences. Member of the Association Information Systems (AIS), Association of Qualitative Research Consultants (QRCA), Asian Qualitative Research Association (AQRA), British Academy of Management in the UK (BAM), Indonesian Qualitative Researchers Association (IQRA), BAFA, AFAANZ, Chartered Accountants, Southeast Asia Research Academy (SEARA), etc. He is still working on several research projects, international collaborations, Supervisors of several international students in the Nusantara Project-AIBPM and publishing books.
Research Interest: Accounting, Information Systems, Big Data, Sustainability, Qualitative Studies