Call for Abstracts
International Virtual Conference
Challenges in Education, Business and Technology
February 20-21, 2022
Organized by: Center for Academic & Professional Career Development and Research (CAPCDR)
The Center for Academic & Professional Career Development and Research (CAPCDR) is going to organize a two-day long International Virtual on February 20-21, 2022. The theme of the e-Conference is ‘Challenges in Education, Business and Technology’.
The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Challenges in Education, Business and Technology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of social science and technology.
Selected abstracts will be invited to submit their full paper for publication and presentation in the Conference. All the accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN No. in the form of e-Book. Best papers will be considered for publication in peer reviewed academic journal. The journal is also approved and indexed by global research communities.
Abstract Submission Guideline:
- Email your ABSTRACT to under the conference code: IVCCEBT
- Send the abstract in one single word file and write the paper title, author(s) name(s), affiliation (s) and abstract with 5-6 keywords. Please write a short bio underneath of the abstract (not exceeding 150 words)
- The abstract shall not exceed 300 words
- Front: Times New Roman (Size: Heading 14 and Text 12)
- Language: English
Registration: Free
Publication Fees: Presentation, Contribution Certificate, Abstract e-Book, Journal Article (Free)
Key Dates to Be Remembered:
- Last Date for ABSTRACT submission: 31st January 2022
- Notification of acceptance of selected ABSTRACT: 5th February 2022
- Full paper submission deadline: 12th February 2022
Conference Link: