Dr Diotima Chattoraj

Dr Diotima Chattoraj
Research Fellow
University Brunei Darussalam
Brunei Darussalam
Dr Diotima Chattoraj, a PhD (with distinction magna-cum-laude) from the Department of International Development Studies (IEE), Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany, is a social scientist with over 8 years of research experience in the field of migration and development studies. She received funding from DAAD, Stipendien der Wilhelm und Günter Esser Stiftung and IEE to pursue her PhD research. At University Brunei Darussalam (UBD), she is involved in several Research Projects, namely, Skill-Mobility in Asia, Rohingyas, Gender and different kinds of Migration and Security issues. These projects are funded by the University of Brunei. Her areas of research interests include Asia, Sociology of migration, theories of migration, refugee, trafficking, globalization, Climate change, Development, Gender Studies, Security issues, international relations, and boundary-making. She has published a number of articles (which are Scopus Indexed) and book reviews in international refereed journals respectively. Her book titled, ‘Diasporic Search for ‘Home’: Displaced Sri Lankan Tamils’, is also in Press with Springer (Singapore). Besides, she has also been working as a peer reviewer for a number of international refereed journals like South Asia Research, Comparative Migration Studies and few more. She has also been external Examiners for a couple of Master’s Thesis. She has presented her works in international conferences as invited speakers.
Research Interest
Gender Studies, Diaspora, transnationalism, Sociology of migration